Feb 15, 2020

Let your authentic soul speak. Look for inspiration everywhere, and be curious….

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Let your authentic soul speak.
Look for inspiration everywhere, and be curious. .

@aubrymarie posted an IG TV video sharing a bit of her creative process and her words got me thinking.
We are all so grateful for the amazing things that come from social media platforms, Instagram specifically— but those things truly wouldn’t come to us if it weren’t for the things that we create.
The process of how we create this art,
The ways in which we express our words, our experiences, our emotions, our opinions.
The creative process is what it’s ALL ABOUT.
So, keep creating.
Keep letting your soul speak.
Keep allowing your soul to shine through the creative process of everything that you do.
Keep loving.
Keep doing what makes you feel the most alive. .

And thank you all for being here and loving my art.
My creative process. .



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