Sep 22, 2020

|| May 1-8 || Day 3: Vriksasana or Tadasana (Tree and Mountain Pose Variations)…

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#AwakenIntoSpring || May 1-8 ||
Day 3: Vriksasana or Tadasana (Tree and Mountain Pose Variations)
I don’t have the straightest line since I’m such a beginner at the handstand, but that’s okay! 💪🏼🤷🏻‍♀️

Recognizing, accepting, then acting towards cutting negativity from your life can be extremely difficult. Nobody promised the path to happiness/personal enlightenment to be an easy one.
Today we will look upon the strength of a tree or mountain during our day and our practice.
We will reflect the strength, stillness, peacefulness, and resilience we find in trees and mountains upon ourselves.
The battle of loving yourself, standing up for yourself, and riding your life and soul of what no longer serves you isn’t necessarily a simple task, but neither is standing up right during the worst storm of the year.
I can’t tell you how many times in history someone has looked at a tree or rock formation and thought “I can’t believe that thing is still standing.” YOU are a force of nature.
Be exactly like those trees, those mountains.
People will look at you and say, “I can’t believe they are still standing.”🌲💪🏼💚⛰
Healing CoHosts:
Generous Sponsors:
@flowerofliving (my leggings)
@inclinefit (my mat)
Pose List:
Day 1: Uttanasana (any forward fold) ✨
Day 2: Utkatasana (any chair pose) ✨
Day 3: Vriksasana/Tree or Tadasana/Mountain variations ✨
Day 4: Natarajasana (Dancer Pose)
Day 5: Virabhadrasana (any warrior variation)
Day 6: Anjaneyasana with a back bend
Day 7: Heart Opener
Day 8: Yogi’s Choice


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