Mar 19, 2020

Day 5 of brings us to Adho Mukha Svanasana, what a mouth full right?! you can …

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Day 5 of #AloBoutGrounding brings us to Adho Mukha Svanasana, what a mouth full right?! 😂 you can call it Downward Facing Dog if you would like. 🐕

I feel like this is the most famous yoga pose, EVER. 😅
Here is one of my favorite ways to do it.
Grounded firmly through my hands,
I lift a leg, and open up a hip to the sky.
Thanking the sun for blessing me with it’s presence today. 🌞

threads from @aloyoga ❤️ .

Your Grounding Hosts:

Generous Sponsors:
1. Tadasana 🏔
2. Vrksasana 🌲
3. Trikonasana 🔺
4. Utkatasana 💺
5. Adho Mukha Svanasana 🐕
6. Virabhadrasana
7. Skandasana
8. Utkata Konasana
9. Uttanasana
10. Choice Asana
#igyogachallenges #letsstartyoga #yogatime #yogastrong #aloyoga #beagoddess #alomoves #aloyogachallenge #yogaworld


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