Day 2 of #AloBoutGrounding brings us to #Vrkasana also known as Tree Pose.
Try taking your tree pose to the next level by lifting it onto the tip of your toes. 🤗🌲
Trees are deeply grounded through their roots.
It’s no secret.
Their limbs of existence dig deep down into the Earth for connection, for survival. .
Grounding in a way very similar to those roots is the main foundation and survival of a yoga pose.
Standing with your feet connected to the ground with a purpose.
Swaying in the wind, but staying strong enough not to blow over completely.
The positioning of our feet affects the joints above; the ankles, the knees, the hips, even how straight you’re standing! .
Your Grounding Hosts:
Generous Sponsors:
1. Tadasana 🏔
2. Vrksasana 🌲
3. Trikonasana
4. Utkatasana
5. Adho Mukha Svanasana
6. Virabhadrasana
7. Skandasana
8. Utkata Konasana
9. Uttanasana
10. Choice Asana
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