Mar 18, 2020

Could it already be? Day 10 of ? I just want to start by saying, you all are…

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Could it already be?
Day 10 of #AloBoutGrounding ?
I just want to start by saying,
you all are amazing.
Opening all of your hearts and practice to us,
it’s truly life changing
The connection we can make to others, to ourselves, our practice, and the world around us when we simply allow ourselves to open up, connect, and see the love in every soul around us.
This has been such an incredible past 10 days with you all!
A lovely way to become more grounded and aware in our daily practice.
I hope you join us for more #AloYogaChallenges 🤗🧘🏽‍♀️😍

For the last day, Yogi’s Choice— I have displayed a very grounded #Natarajasana dancer variation. 🍂

Alo Soft Lounge Set in Black Cherry by @aloyoga .

Your Grounding Hosts:

Generous Sponsors:
1. Tadasana 🏔
2. Vrksasana 🌲
3. Trikonasana 🔺
4. Utkatasana 💺
5. Adho Mukha Svanasana 🐕
6. Virabhadrasana 🤺
7. Skandasana 🤺
8. Utkata Konasana 🧞‍♀️
9. Uttanasana 🧘🏽‍♀️
10. Choice Asana 🍂

#aloyoga #beagoddess #yogamotivation #yogainnature


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